eclipse the brightness of your future.
to scare yourself to death,
but to inspire yourself to live.
of your life.
than you seem, and smarter than you think.
You are nowhere compared to
where you can go.
you are wasting your time.
have, do what you can.
avoid criticism, do nothing,
say nothing, and be nothing.
but I can adjust my sails to always reach
my destination.
not to scare yourself to death,
but to inspire yourself to live.
Its because of them I’m doing it myself.
top of a mountain, to enjoy the view.
If you’ve ever watched a good movie or seen a compelling drama on the stage,
you know the story doesn’t resolve itself until the second act.
Just as “life imitates art,” you may experience difficult thoughts, feelings, and situations in your life with limited choices and movement to your “second act.” I would be honored to help you navigate life choices amidst these roadblocks through my Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Brainspotting (BSP).
My therapy features contemporary psychological services using ACT, EMDR, and Brainspotting. ACT is an evidence-based cognitive-behavioral/mindfulness therapy consistent with the sentiment of the Serenity Prayer in focusing on change we can control; accepting and letting go of things we cannot. EMDR and Brainspotting are also evidenced-based and enable psychological healing from traumatic life events by using the brain’s natural information processing system to facilitate healing. Working primarily with chronic emotional and physical pain, I’ve found what I believe to be the strongest components of mind-body healing with Brainspotting and ACT, specifically, , a powerful therapeutic approach incorporating mind-body healing so you can return to purposeful living. I’ve also combined the therapeutic benefits of Vergence and aromatherapy oil to create Veroma; a mind-body intervention designed to loosen the grip of emotional and physical pain without medication. Click on the video below to learn more. Please note, Veroma naturally lowers blood pressure and is contraindicated for those diagnosed with hypotension.
I value helping people whose lives are road blocked by personal and painful distress; I am committed to helping you define what really matters in your life and navigating choices in that direction.
Please call (503) 400-7500 or email me today for your individual, family or group therapy needs.